Waiting to make a movie with Mammootty in the lead role based on MT’s...
Dinesh Panicker, a beloved face in Malayalam cinema, who is a shining face in television serials and actor, has shared a new experience on his YouTube channel a few days ago. He is talking...
Actor Gokul Suresh son of suresh gopi MP Responds to Online Harassment of Nimisha...
Following Suresh Gopi's victory in the Lok Sabha elections, actress Nimisha Sajayan was subjected to a significant amount of online abuse on social media. The attacks stemmed from comments she made four years ago...
Actress Honey Rose: Social Media Sensation and Style Icon
Honey Rose has taken social media by storm, becoming one of the most celebrated actresses in recent times. Her massive fan following eagerly awaits her every post, which often go viral in no time.
Mohanlal is flexible but Mammooty sometimes doesn’t even lift his hand – Actor Bheeman...
Bheeman Raghu is an actor who shined through powerful villain roles in Malayalam cinema. He has acted in about 400 Malayalam films. He has done mostly villain characters. He was at the forefront of...
Actress Honey Rose: Social Media Sensation and Style Icon
Honey Rose has taken social media by storm, becoming one of the most celebrated actresses in recent times. Her massive fan following eagerly awaits...
Mohanlal is flexible but Mammooty sometimes doesn’t even lift his hand – Actor Bheeman...
Bheeman Raghu is an actor who shined through powerful villain roles in Malayalam cinema. He has acted in about 400 Malayalam films. He has...
Finnish educational culture experienced by A Malayali.
Discussions about Finnish education anywhere!! Now it has reached our government level. Is it possible to apply some good practices of Finnish education culture...
What is the relationship between MGR and Prithviraj? Here is the fact in detail
Actor Prithviraj, who came to the cinema imbibing the character traits of his father Sukumaran, who was a stubborn nature star, did not have...
Actor Gokul Suresh son of suresh gopi MP Responds to Online Harassment of Nimisha...
Following Suresh Gopi's victory in the Lok Sabha elections, actress Nimisha Sajayan was subjected to a significant amount of online abuse on social media....